What’s Bandcamp?

Earlier this year, one of my favorite bands left their label, recorded a new album, and released it as a digital download from their own website. The hour it was due out, I headed to their site, and after several minutes of watching the page struggle to load, concluded that they were just slammed and made a note to check back the next day. But when I did, the site was, once again, excruciatingly slow. This time I was a bit more patient, made it to the checkout page, entered my billing info, and…the download didn’t start. I checked my credit card statement, saw that I’d indeed been charged, and emailed the band. A few days later, the lead singer sent me an apology, along with a direct link to the album’s zip file. I did not then forward that link on to my 200 closest friends, but I wondered how many did, and couldn’t decide whether it was a good or bad thing that most fans had probably given up before getting this far.

Well the new record turned out to be even better than I’d hoped, but now, months later, I’m still running into other fans who don’t have it. This just kills me, because here’s a relatively unknown band that deserves all the success in the world, made the admirable decision to do an entirely independent release, yet was tripped up by the sorts of aggravating technical issues familiar to anyone who’s ever tried to build out their own website. What choice did they have though? They could have put their music up on MySpace or any of its dozens of imitators, but all of those services offer bands what is essentially a sharecropping arrangement. They host your tunes, and in exchange it’s their logo, their ads, their URL, their traffic, their identity. What if you want to build out a site that’s very clearly yours? The only choice seems to be to do what the band did: hire a designer and engineer, buy or rent some servers, spend a lot of time and money, and risk ending up with something that either works poorly or not at all. Does it not seem crazy that if you’re a blogger, you can create a rock-solid site that’s your own in a matter of minutes (and for free), but if you happen to create music instead of text, your options just suck?

Seemed nuts to us, so we created Bandcamp, the best home on the web for your music. We’re not yet another site wanting to host your tracks alongside the trailer for High School Musical 4: I’m Pregnant. Instead, we power a site that’s truly yours, and hang out in the background handling all the technical issues you dread (and several you’ve probably never even considered). We keep your music streaming and downloading quickly and reliably, whether it’s 3am on a Sunday, or the hour your new record drops and Pitchfork gives it a scathingly positive review. We make your tracks available in every format under the sun, so the audiophilic nerderati can have their FLAC and eat mp3 v2. We adorn your songs with all the right metadata, so they sail into iTunes with artwork, album, band and track names intact. We mutter the various incantations necessary to keep your site top-ranked in Google, so when your fans search for your hits, they find your music long before they find bonkersforlyrics.com or iMyFace. We give your fans easy ways to share your music with their friends, and we give you gorgeous tools that reveal exactly how your music is spreading, so you can fan the fire.

So what’s Bandcamp then? We’re a publishing platform for bands, or, anthropomorphically/arthropodically-speaking, your fifth, fully geeked-out Beatle — the one who keeps your very own website humming and lets you get back to making great music and building your fan base. If this all sounds as highly satisfactory to you as we hope, we invite you to check out the screencast, read the FAQ, peruse a site already powered by Bandcamp, or cut straight to the chase and sign up for a free account. Welcome!

9 thoughts on “What’s Bandcamp?

  1. hello. i’m enjoying the site very much indeed thankyou. the only thing is that i’m a DJ as well as a producer and i’d like to upload some mixes which i’ve recorded as free MP3 downloads.
    the site wont accept an MP3 upload and an uncompressed WAV file would be far too large as each mix is between 30-80mins in duration.
    i have used other sites for uploading my mixes but they’re slow, full of advertisements and generally look very ugly.

    any help would be very much appreciated.


    Jason Jones

  2. Glad you’re enjoying the site Jason. We don’t have plans to offer mp3 uploads, but we’re looking into supporting compressed lossless upload formats (FLAC and Apple Lossless). At our current max upload limit (305 megs, see http://bandcamp.mu/faq#maxupload), that should be good for about a 50 minute mix.

  3. hello. thanks for the prompt reply Ethan. i’ll look into uploading FLAC etc. some of my mixes come to almost a GB un compressed, maybe i could split them into parts….

    anyway, thanks again.

    Jason Jones

    ps – it was my friend Justin Windle who recommended BandCamp as he worked on the visualisations for you….i believe it was the flowers!

  4. Hey this is really interesting!Are you hosting the storage of everything?

    I have been looking for a way to get lossless stuff out via my netlabel but don’t have the storage capabilities. So right now I can only offer mp3s. Bandcamp could be just what I’ve been looking for.

  5. Assuming you kids don’t turn evil all of a sudden or crash and burn overnight, this is the best tool I’ve seen for independent acts in a very long time. keep it up. And don’t forget the part about not turning evil.

  6. dear beautiful fifth beatles,

    I would just like to say, in my english gentlemans way (yes, we know about you in england) that …



    You better keep the running of this thing between you four. I don’t trust anyone else who might try and get sneaky and turn bandcamp nasty. (yes, keep that suspicious eye searching)

    lots of love
    matthew horton

  7. Hello from a music geek!

    I discovered Bandcamp when trying to find The Soft Disaster’s recent album. I love your site and everything it does for emerging bands!

    Well done! Need any software testers??? 😉

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